How to burn fat

 Spices That Help To Burn Fat and Increase Longevity

There many spices and fruits which can help burn fat and as well make us live longer and healthy if only we could have time eating them.
Garlic is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps to protect the body from damage resulting from the movement of free radicals produced from the acidic environment of the body caused by the decomposition of unhealthy processed food in our body. Galic helps to increase in blood flow and relaxes the blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of a heart disease, this is made possible because of the release of a compound called Hydrogen sulphide.
Onions give is help in protection against cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcer or cancer, and reduction of tumors growing in the body amongst several other curative benefits.
Ginger is believed to increase metabolic rate and promote circulation of energy, stimulation of blood circulation, relaxes the blood vessels, it is an anti-clotting agent.
