How to source for the best fruits to eat

Fruits That Are Very Healthy and Fat Burning
There are some fruits that can help us to burn fat if taken in the right proportion. Here they are; mangoes, banana, Watermelon,
No fruit in its natural state is fattening, ripe or unripe.
 Bananas generally take about 45 minutes to digest while other fruits take 15 minutes, that explains why people who eat banana say they feel heavy, but you are okay after 45 minutes.
If you take a breakfast of bananas and other fruits, you will notice a drastic change in weight loss in one week.  Bananas are detoxifiers because it is a source of fiber and helps in constipation; hence it helps in losing weight and not in gaining fat. For best results, it is best to eat Bananas on empty stomach, so it is always better to wait 45 minutes after eating Banana before you can eat any other cooked food. That way, you will never experience any weight gain.
Apart from the nutritious water content, it is very rich in Vitamin A and C. It also provides energy to the body in the form of natural fructose.
Mangoes according to studies have 28g carbohydrates per serving and 3g dietary fiber and 24g natural sugar. Mango does not have any significant effect in increase blood sugar levels, so it does not promote fat storage and due to the medium glycemic index, mangoes are okay for diabetics.
